7 Tips to Write Better Content

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Lately, a great deal of attention has been focused on the use of keywords in creating content.

Keywords serve the purpose of improving Internet search rankings which is the objective of every company and enterprise that has a website. In fact, the use of keywords has taken on a more scientific approach with SEO experts devising the precise ratios and distribution strategies to maximize their benefit on your content.

But in the final analysis, Content is King. You can implement all the ratios and rules on maximizing the power of keywords but if a reader clicks on your link and develops a migraine within the first five (5) seconds upon reading your content, your keywords have lost their value. While there is no denying the value of keywords, their use should never be at the expense of great content.

Here are seven (7) tips on how to write better content:

1. Create the environment. As a writer, focus is very important. Having an idea is like trying to ride a wild horse; you will need to establish control so you direct it anywhere you want to go.

Whether you are writing from home or from an office, make sure your work place is conducive for writing. Preferences will vary from one writer to the next but generally set up your work place in a way that it can stimulate ideas, generate inspiration and encourage productivity.

2Determine the goal of your content. Everything that you do in life should have a purpose and that includes writing content. If you don’t have purpose, you will have no idea on what you going to do and how to get there. This is what happens to writers whose compositions have no direction or consistently veer off-course.

Before you write, you have to identify the reasons “why” you are writing and “what” you are trying to accomplish. Once you have identified you purpose it will be easier to design the structure of your content. You will have a better idea on how to craft the introduction, build the body of the content and tie-in all its component parts into an ending.

3. Focus on engagement. It is not enough that you build your audience; you should retain them as well. And the way to do this is through engagement.

One of the most effective ways to create engagement is through story-telling which puts readers behind the lens of the writer. While we all view life under different filters, story-telling lets readers see it from your perspective and will encourage them to formulate opinions. An opinion is the seed that cultivates engagement!

After all, who doesn’t like a great story?

4. Write for your readers. When you are searching for an idea, it is not enough that your approach comes only from your perspective. You should also consider the perspectives of your readers. What would they want to read? What issues are relevant to them? How should I frame the references for my article?

If you have been blogging for a considerable time, you should have an idea of your typical audience. If you’re starting out, write first on the issues that interest you and build it from there until you have your audience. The important takeaway is to write content for your readers.

5. Make it conversational. The challenge for those who want to write to promote their expertise is precisely that. When they write the focus shifts to impressing the reader with his knowledge on the subject matter.

The end result is a collection of technical terms, equations, research study references, empirical evidences, quotations, personal qualifications and other uninteresting items, non-captivating issues that result in rambling language structured in sentences as long as this one. When you write, focus on connecting with your audience. Keep sentences short and make them conversational.

6. Let your ideas flow. Have you ever written one sentence then stop to review only to delete then compose a new one? If you have, you should understand that writing and editing are two different activities.

When you have ideas flowing from your mind to your fingertips, keep them going. Trying to keep these ideas from manifesting will filter your article of content that may be valuable. Ideas usually come in waves and when the currents have slowed down you can take a step back and review what you have written so far.

7. Read your content aloud. Writing is speaking through a non-verbal medium. When you create content its message should be congruent to who you are and align perfectly with your readers. It should read as if you are directly speaking to them. One of the most effective ways to do this is to read your content aloud to yourself and assess how it sounds. If it comes across as engaging, relevant and conversational, congratulate yourself for a job well done!

Lastly and probably the most obvious tip which is why it wasn’t on the list, if you want to write better content practice, practice, practice! Writing is a skill that you must continually strive to get better at every single day. If you don’t have current projects to write for or an available client, find something to write about for at least 10 minutes every day.

This simple exercise will build your writing muscles in no time at all.

Guest Author

Felix is a virtual assistant from OutsourceWorkers.com.au. He enjoys writing content and loves to work remotely. Connect with him on Twitter.

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