Content Ideas for Musicians

Content for Musos

Is your Facebook feed a whole bunch of posts all talking about you and your next show? Maybe it’s time to get a little creative and start being the entertainer that you are on stage and bring that to your social media platforms. You tell stories about your songs on stage, why aren’t you doing that on your social media platforms? Let’s shake things up a little. Here are 13 entertaining post idea that aren’t ALL about you.

1) Support other bands. Going to someone else’s show? Love a local band? Help a fella out! Chuck them a like on their Facebook/Instagram page as yourself AND as your band then share their page on your band page. You never know, they might just return the favour.

2) Recently purchased tickets to your all time fave band. Tell your fans why they’re your all time fave, maybe how they’ve influenced you. Tell a story about when you first heard them.

3) Road trip photos. Even if it was to go to the beach to take a breather, to blow out the cobwebs and get the creativity flowing again for writing. All a part of your story. What about the amazing dim sim that cured your hangover (#besthangovercure – what do they even put in them?) from the weirdest roadhouse you’ve ever been to?

4) Your dream instrument. Tag your local music shop where they’re selling it.

5) Share music videos that inspire you! Tag the artist. Let your fans know WHY it inspires you.

6) Share images. Is it Elvis’s birthday? Share a photo of the spunk when he was 21!

7) Your creative process. Whatever that looks like, and there’s no right or wrong…have you ever thought about sharing that with your fans? It’s all a part of your STORY!

8) Calendar days. Is it World Folk Day? Share it. Is it National Madonna Day? Share it. Is it a long weekend? Share it. Share what you’re doing for it! Celebrate!

9) Behind the scenes. Allowing your fans into the everyday, awkward, HARD bits builds a loyal fan base because they start to understand more of the story BEHIND your 45 minutes on stage. They start connecting to you. They might be too shy to talk to you at the gig or not get a chance because they had to pick up their drunk friend from up the road. Share a video of rehearsal. Share a tour diary video. Give them an insider perspective.

10) Recently purchased items. Did you buy a new CD at a festival? Did you discover something amazing on bandcamp? Share it on your socials! Tag them! Let them know you love what they’re doing. Be generous.

11) Great venues. The venue and staff at a venue can sometimes have a bearing on the type of gig that you have. Have you recently had a GREAT experience at your local venue? Awesome sound guy? Fantastic PA, sound an lighting rig? Let people know. Super handy information for other musicians who might be starting out or who don’t know about that new venue!

12) Dream festivals/venues. Ever wanted to play at Splendour in the Grass? Or the Palais Theatre in Melbourne? Post it. Tag it. Add a photo. Tell a story.

13) Professional development. Did you spot a workshop for singers? Or perhaps an opportunity to ask some big reps some big questions? Share it with your fans AND your fellow musicians. We’re all in this together.

Content is ALL AROUND YOU. You are a creative type because you already play music. Why not start branching out and diversifying in the content you’re putting out there!?

Delilah Walsh, Do Re Media Consultant and Creative

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